Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Let It Fill Your Soul

Image result for new york is always a good idea

This quote resides on my Pinterest quote board and in my heart.   I have a difficult time expressing what it is about the city that tugs at me.  The energy, the diversity, the history--these are all part of it to be sure.  But some of it is difficult to express in words--it's a feeling, like hope and courage and longing all mixed together.  

Recently I was able to travel with good friends to New York for a short visit.  There are so many things about spending time there that I love, but nothing comes close to the experience of seeing a Broadway show.  The only thing way I can think to explain it requires another reference to Dead Poet's Society, the movie that keeps on giving.  Remember the scene when Mr. Keating plays classical music out on the football field and as the music plays, each boy reads a line of poetry and then kicks a ball?  (I really hope you have seen the movie because that just sounds weird!)  It's that moment when Charlie steps up to read his line, and Mr. Keating shouts, "Come on, Charlie!  Let it fill your soul!"  That is what Broadway and New York City do for me--they fill my soul with joy and hope and gratitude.  

I was thinking after returning home from the trip how grateful I am to have found something that makes me feel a little bit new again.  Those who work in education have the privilege of serving children and young adults, and we carry their stories--the good and the bad--with us all the time. Sometimes it gets pretty heavy.  So whether it is sitting in the silence of the woods or watching a baby sleep or listening to Broadway show tunes on Pandora, my wish for all of you, especially the Commodore family, is that your soul be filled this Thanksgiving.  I am so very grateful for you.

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